What is a good vegetable substitute for fennel?

I've just browsed through my new issue of Bon Apetit and a couple of recipes using fennel really caught my attention because of other ingredients. What vegetable would be a good substitute for fennel? My family are not fennel fans...

  • Posted by: Danja
  • December 29, 2011


Tammy October 2, 2017
I realize this answer is coming a little late, but I'm just now finding your question because I have the same question. I found a recipe also in Bon Appetit that calls for raw fennel, and I am not particularly fond of raw fennel. So, I am going to experiment with shaved asparagus, shaved bok choy, or possibly shaved radishes. I may well do a combination of all of them. I do know the shaved asparagus has a pretty neutral favor but a nice little crunch to it. I have used the shaved asparagus many times in salads, and it tastes great.
SallyBroff December 30, 2011
If your family doesn't like fennel, why not find another recipe. No other veggie will duplicate the anisy flavor.
SKK December 30, 2011
My family says they do not like fennel. When I roast it first they enjoy the recipe. Don't know what your recipe is calling for and I agree with Merrile re. celery having similar texture and crunch if you are serving fennel raw.
Merrill S. December 29, 2011
It depends on the recipe, but if you're looking for a similar texture and crunch, celery could be a good alternative.
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