Prepping Mashed Potatoes

I'm prepping for some mashed potatoes tonight. Can i cut up the potatoes, put them in the pot with water and let them sit a couple hours before cooking them? Don't want them to absorb too much water. Thanks!

  • Posted by: Emilyb
  • December 31, 2011


Author Comment
The best way I have found is to cook the potatoes whole, not cut. it takeas a bit longer to boil them, but the skin helps keep them from water logging.
Emilyb December 31, 2011
Thanks! You guys rock!

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Greenstuff December 31, 2011
Yes, some years ago, Cooks Illustrated did a test and found that letting potatoes sit in water for a few hours had no effect.
ChrisBird December 31, 2011
They should be fine. I typically drain the water and add fresh and salt before cooking though. When coked, drain and return to heat to dry before ricing them.
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