A question about a recipe: Aunt Babe's Mashed Potatoes

I have a question about step 4 on the recipe "Aunt Babe's Mashed Potatoes" from F for Food. It says:

"In a mixing bowl add potato insides, 1 and ½ sticks of butter, salt & pepper. With a hand mixer, slowly add diluted milk while keeping an eye on maintaining the moisture. Aunt Babe said that the secret is the moisture.
What is the ratio on the 1/2 diluted evaporated milk? Diluted with water? "

  • Posted by: mimi3
  • January 1, 2012
  • 1 Comment

1 Comment

Amanda H. January 1, 2012
Hopefully F for Food will weigh in. If not, I would start with 1/2 evaporated milk mixed with 1/4 cup milk (or water would also work). If that doesn't seem like enough liquid, continue adding milk to the potato mixture, 1/4 cup at a time.
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