I have 15 pounds of pork butt to make pulled pork by 7:30 tonight. I'll be lucky to get it in by noon. Can it still be done?

  • Posted by: alex83
  • January 9, 2012


Karin_D January 9, 2012
Just was wondering how it turned out?
Cannizzo January 9, 2012
I am sorry but I disagree my pulled pork takes 9 hours at 250 degree oven I haven't tasted a good pulled pork that has been rushed

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hardlikearmour January 9, 2012
The Cooks Illustrated Indoor Pulled Pork recipe takes 5 hours from start to finish, but it's only for 4 lbs of pork so you'd have to scale it up. It's my go-to pulled pork recipe, and the Carolina Mustard Sauce variation is extremely good. If you go this route make sure to use Wright's liquid smoke as it doesn't have other ingredients.
Chef K. January 9, 2012
Cut it in smaller pieces and roast it in the over at 300, until u have to take it out, let it sit at room temp also before you put it in. I would give it a generous rub with salt and a little pepper and just let it roast low and slow for as long as u can, and then take it out and shred it.
gourmetmamma January 9, 2012
Perhaps cutting it into smaller pieces would help.
nutcakes January 9, 2012
Sounds very short. Are you smoking it or doing it in the oven?
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