What would you make for a group of 12 people for breakfast with one vegan and one gluten free person in the mix? P.s. I love to bake!
SKKJanuary 11, 2012
As nutcakes says, variety. This recipe will take care of everyone, including vegan and gluten free http://www.food52.com/recipes..., and it is delicious. Also, gluten free oatmeal is wonderful with fruit. People can pour own their own milk, or not.
nutcakesJanuary 11, 2012
I've had to cook for a group like that and I'd stick with variety, not expecting all dishes to be eaten by all people. I'd make one egg based, one baked french toast and a apple and pear crisp make with an oat and gluten-free-flour topper.
nutcakesJanuary 11, 2012
Oops, I forgot the french toast has egg, so we haven't covered the vegan except for the crisp. How about a tofu scramble in there somewhere?
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