What's the contest you're dying to enter?

I think this may have come up as a topic before, but I think it's fun! And, of course, what's the contest you just know you'd win?



pierino January 15, 2012
Nose to Tail, Round Two. Still smarting from losing as a finalist in Round One. Bring on tongue, bring on hog maw, pig ears, sweetbreads. Tacos should be disallowed unless they contain one of the above.
creamtea January 15, 2012
Your best Winter Salad. Your Best Summer Salad. Or just, Your Best Salad.
aargersi January 15, 2012
Game birds / game would be fun! And I think a chili cook-off! I don't THINK there has been one before?
lorigoldsby January 15, 2012
Love game birds!
nutcakes January 14, 2012
Best side for roast lamb leg or fish I have a recipe that covers both. I need to dust it off, haven't made it in awhile.
SKK January 13, 2012
Two possibilities (although I am not interested in dying for them). 1. Raw food - the contest was done awhile ago and I loved it. Haven't mastered looking up past contests so can't remember the groundrules. 2. I don't believe we have done anything with a dehydrator - crackers, fruit, jerkey, gells - no limit to what is possible. I would love to both enter and learn from other entries on dehydrator recipes.
SKK January 13, 2012
Just read your last line in the question - I don't know the contest that I would 'just know I would win'. I am more a 'hope I will win but it is fun playing the game and learning' kind of cook. There is a lot of talent on this site.
saragrad January 13, 2012
Your Best 5-Ingredient Fix. Has it been done before?
saragrad January 13, 2012
Your Best 5-Ingredient Fix. Has it been done before?

Voted the Best Reply!

Hilarybee January 13, 2012
Your Best DIY- beer, condiment, pickle, etc. I am trying to get rid of all the processed food in my life- so I DIY whenever possible.
bugbitten January 13, 2012
Kid's lunch, definitely.
Niknud January 13, 2012
In the spirit of the season: Your Best Super Bowl Food (apologies if it's already been done). I also really like the idea of Your Best Condiment. Your Best Wonton/Dumpling would be fun....hmmmm....let's see, what else? Your Best Marinade. Your Best Recipe with Coffee. Your Best Recipe with Tofu that ins't Incredibly Boring!
susanm January 13, 2012
i'd love to enter the "your best pasta sauce/condiment" contest.

and i'd love to stalk the submissions to your healthy/renovated comfort food idea!
JessicaBakes January 13, 2012
I'll start. I want healthy/renovated comfort foods
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