What is a Swiss chard substitute?



rapearson January 16, 2012
Beet greens would be my first choice since they are basically the same thing. And then after that I'd use kale or collards.
bigpan January 16, 2012
Kale or beet greens.
ubs2007 January 16, 2012
Ditto the other respondents! Swiss chard tends to be sweeter than kale and collard greens so I would go with a bunch of leafy spinach.
pierino January 16, 2012
Yes, lacinato aka black kale and in Italy, cavolo nero would probably be the best substitute. Spinach, no.
Hilarybee January 16, 2012
I agree with SKK. Collard greens would be my first choice, a non-curly kale like lacinato or dinosaur kale would be my second choice. Remove the stems. If I were subbing spinach, I might use defrosted frozen spinach so that it were softer. Long leaf spinach might be okay, too.

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SKK January 16, 2012
You could substitute collard greens. Also kale, and it takes longer to cook. Spinach if you are in a pinch but it is much lighter and doesn't have the heartiness of flavor.
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