recipes without photos

What do folks think about posting recipes without photos? I haven't submitted recipes because I do not usually take pictures of food I cook or, in many cases, they are great recipes that I haven't made recently. I personally don't look at recipes that don't have pictures to accompany them unless I'm cooking from a trusted cookbook I use often (and even then I really don't like not having them). Wondering what others think.

  • Posted by: ATG117
  • January 22, 2012


drbabs January 22, 2012
I do a combination. Sometimes I post a tried and true recipe that I don't have a photo for. (I'm not a very good photographer and only recently even thought about photographing what I cook.) I just did that for my lemon chicken. And then I made it this weekend but I can't post a photo, oh well. Sometimes I photograph the whole process and post the least terrible ones. I think people do look more at the recipes with photos, but the editors frequently choose recipes that don't have photos, so I don't think it makes much of a difference to them.
Bevi January 22, 2012
Like boulangere I sometimes do not think to take a photo, or cook away from home but do not have the where-with-all to use my iPhone to take a shot, or in some cases I post a recipe that I trust to be good enough because it is in my regular or occasional rotation, but have not made at that moment when I submit it. I hate it when a day later I think to myself, "Why didn't I take a photo?" Oh well.
susan G. January 22, 2012
I haven't posted photos with my (few) posted recipes because I haven't learned how! Only one has a photo, taken by a friend.
susan G. January 22, 2012
Of course, then the question is, do people look at recipes with photos more than those without?
(The stock photos, by the way, are really nice.)
Panfusine January 22, 2012
I usually take pics of all my recipes as well as those I test for community picks, but then, I'm a crazy blogger, its become a habit
boulangere January 22, 2012
I've posted a few without photos because either I made something someplace where I did not have my camera, or because it got eaten before I could photograph it. I always intend to go back and re-make it so as to take and post a photo, but right now the Add a Photo function to an already-posted recipe isn't working. I don't think of myself as an especially good food photographer either, but the way to get better at something is to do it ;0)
lorigoldsby January 22, 2012
After almost a year on this site, if it's a new recipe, before my husband takes a bite, he says, "Do I need to wait until you take a picture?" LOL
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