
I'm thinking of making cioppino for a dinner party this weekend and was trying to think of ideas for a substantive side or two (preferably non-meat and non-poultry) to go with the main dish.

Does anyone have any ideas?

  • Posted by: Yiota
  • January 25, 2012


aargersi January 26, 2012
I grill some good bread to slop in the juice, make a salad, grab some wine - and that is dinner!!!
pierino January 26, 2012
Cioppino is an American dish which probably has its origin in the ciuppin of Genoa. So think Ligurian, maybe pasta (trofie) with pesto.
bigpan January 26, 2012
Rice is a good side dish ... You can dress it up with some veg for color. I serve rice with roasted grape tomato with cataplana, for example.

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SKK January 25, 2012
A cioppino is a stew with seafood and it quite substantive in its own right. All you really need is good bread and a salad.
Pinup I. January 25, 2012
Polenta goes amazing with cioppino!! And it's hearty enough that you only need a small bit underneath all the seafood and it with soak up the juices wonderfully. Throw a bit of sharp cheddar or smoked Gouda to enhance the polenta.
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