What are the worm like things in pea or lentil soup after it is cooked

Michele Bouchard


susan G. February 3, 2012
Be sure that you have picked through the lentils or peas first, then washed both by rinsing in a sieve and also by setting the sieve in a bowl of water so that anything that shouldn't be in your food can be found and removed. Heavy things like small rocks show up best before rinsing. In a bowl of water, haff and other light things will rise to the surface of the bowl and float. I stir with my hand to work any of these things free and pour them off. Then there are powdery things -- dust and dirt, which will run out of the sieve with the water. Mother Nature isn't always clean -- we need to be actively working with 'her.'
Author Comment
Yes Michele, Catmudd is right. It is completely normal and good! Also, check out this info and guide on cooking beans from Whole Foods Market: http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/recipes/guides/beans.php Have fun in the kitchen!
catmudd February 3, 2012
That's the germ. It's where the plant starts.
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