Which Food52 recipe is in March Oprah Magazine? Congratulations!

HardLikeArmour's http://www.food52.com/recipes...
Her recipe is on Page 177

  • Posted by: SKK
  • February 15, 2012


SKK February 21, 2012
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lapadia February 21, 2012
@ SKK...BOO :)
vvvanessa February 19, 2012
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Midge February 17, 2012
Way to go hla!! That is too cool.
Panfusine February 17, 2012
Just read it in the magazine.. Congrats again!
SKK February 18, 2012
I just went and got the magazine also! Really great.
sexyLAMBCHOPx February 17, 2012
So cool - congrats!!!
cookinginvictoria February 17, 2012
Congrats, hla! You are a star. I am saving that recipe right now!
healthierkitchen February 16, 2012
so cool! will have to seek out that magazine!
vvvanessa February 16, 2012
Add your answer here
SKK February 16, 2012
vvvanessa - what is your answer? Although I do love your photo!
vvvanessa February 19, 2012
I have no idea why that posted, SKK, especially because I already posted and this post came a day later. Internet gremlins, I suppose.
hardlikearmour February 15, 2012
Wow! I'm thoroughly embarrassed! Thanks for all of your kind words. It was quite a surprise for me to be contacted by the magazine.
lapadia February 16, 2012
kaupilimakoa February 16, 2012
congrats! saving recipe now ;)
kaupilimakoa February 16, 2012
congrats! saving recipe now ;)
SKK February 16, 2012
HLA, tis is a well-deserved honor! You are a talented cook!
vvvanessa February 15, 2012
So cool!
Panfusine February 15, 2012
woo hoo congratulations!
creamtea February 15, 2012
boulangere February 15, 2012
Wow, very, very cool! Congratulations to all!
Author Comment
You are a SUPERSTAR!!!!!!!
lastnightsdinner February 15, 2012
Very cool - congrats, HLA!!
SKK February 15, 2012
lpadia posted the article on Facebook which is how I found out.
drbabs February 15, 2012
So cool! Congratulations, HLA!
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