A question about a recipe: Raspberry Custard Cups

I have a question about the ingredient "cream cheese, softened and cut into small pieces" on the recipe "Raspberry Custard Cups" from SLD. Is generic cream cheese like Philadelphia fine? Or do I need something higher-end?

Raspberry Custard Cups
Recipe question for: Raspberry Custard Cups


Kt4 September 4, 2012
i just made this recipe last night and used store brand low fat cream cheese. it came out fabulous!
susan G. February 20, 2012
Chances are that the recipe was tested with Philly CC. Cream cheese as we know it is an American phenomenon and that Philadelphia is the oldest company in the market making it-- since the 1850's, according to Kraft (currently owner of the brand). I know that there are some issues with gums -- no doubt not in the recipe 150 years ago, but unless the recipe specifies a brand, it's probably the right choice. (And I wouldn't call it generic -- that term goes to the store brands.)
Miranda R. February 20, 2012
As with anything, the best quality you can afford is always best, but Philadelphia should work just fine.
amysarah February 20, 2012
I've never done this exact recipe, but have made plenty of cream cheese custard pie/tart fillings, cheese cakes, etc. and Philadelphia brand (or equal) is perfectly fine.
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