My cooking club is doing brunch. Suggestions for what I can bring? Would David Eyre's Pancake be okay or can it not stand for that long (30 m

  • Posted by: lcast
  • February 20, 2012


Mr_Vittles February 21, 2012
There is never a wrong time for Sticky buns/Cinnamon rolls. You'll be a legend.
Sam1148 February 21, 2012
Brunch isn't Brunch to me without some seafood element like simple boiled shrimp with cocktail sauce, smoked salmon with capers and cream cheese.

I also prefer anti-pasto dishes instead of fried sausages and bacon. Things like Prosciutto wrapped breadsticks, or prosciutto wrapped cantaloupe. and cheeses...olives and chunks of feta cheese.

I guess the question would be what others are bringing, and what on-site cooking is available.
Darcyyann February 21, 2012

I love this frittata, and it keeps and travels well!
susan G. February 20, 2012
I've made Seattle Dutch Babies, a recipe almost identical to the David Eyre's Pancake. I think they're best served directly from the oven. Possibly they could be made in advance, but they would end up being more like a crepe, a bit limp. Better to follow any of the suggestions above!
Sam1148 February 20, 2012
A bottle of Champagne..and orange or peach juice.

A bloody mary bar. With a pitcher V8, setups for bowls of horseradish, A bottle Worcester sauce.
Cucumber spears, Celery, Boiled shrimp, Pickled Okra, some good quality beef sticks (like Wisconsin's best).
a pepper grinder. Tabasco sauce, lemons/Limes, A bowl of salt for those that wish to salt the glass rim.
GIOVANNI50 February 20, 2012
If you are trying to impress do a potato/asparragus/red pepper frittata. Never fails to impress.

In a oven proof pan, saute one onion and half a sliced red bell pepper in olive oil ( 3 TBSP) about 7 min. Boil 4 Yukon gold potatoes (peeled and sliced into 1 inch cubes) until fork tender, about 10 min. Place the potatoes into the saute pan. Add some thyme leaves and some chopped Italian parsley if you have some. Cut 6 fresh asparagus stems (get rid of the less green part) and add to the pan and sautee for 2 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste. Beat 6 eggs. Add eggs to the mix. Stir to blend. Cooking always at med to low setting let eggs set (about 4-5 minutes). Sprinkle some grated parmigiano to make a nice cheesy crust if you like. Place the pan in the oven 250 for 20 minutes. The fritatta is ready!
Jain S. February 20, 2012
There's a Persian dish called kuku which is similar to a more airy quiche without crust- I made a version w eggplant from a Persian cookbook that was awesome and it can be served at room temperature.
foidivin February 20, 2012
Quiche is always a great option. Or homemade fruit & cream cheese turnovers.
Sam1148 February 20, 2012
Google the "Vodka Pie Crust" recipe for a great quiche crust. It turns out so good..light and flaky.
The vodka burns off in cooking--no alcohol taste. It's there to prevent gummy gluten strands from forming in the crust, as you do need moisture to bring the dough together, but alcohol doesn't bind with the gluten in the flour.
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