Okinawan Purple Yam Suggestions

I'm doing an event next month, and chefs prepare "purple" food and are judged then win acclaim and many restaurant gift certificates plus a commemorative plate, and I like winning.
SOOOO I have a challenge since am not part of a restaurant right now and will have to borrow a kitchen and need a recipe that is FABULOUS at room temp.

I'm thinking Purple Sweet Potato Biscuits w/ Country Ham & Something like edible flower/herb butter (Suggestions??) with a purple cauliflower & golden beet pickles on the side....

I really want to do something with the purple sweet potatoes because they are gorgeous, but has to be savory and has to hold up for a few hours, will be doing small plates for @ 200

Two part question 1) Suggestions? 2) great sweet potato biscuits recipes

  • Posted by: Aliwaks
  • February 23, 2012


JohnnyBlaze February 23, 2012
Have you tried Stokes Purple sweet potatoes? They are not as sweet as Okinawa's but they have a darker purple color and more antioxidants in them than the Okinawa's. Check them out here.
Devangi R. February 23, 2012
You can make Gnocchi as it is savory dish that you have to prepare or else dumplings , or savory tarts with yam filling. For the gnocchi , use the yam in the flour to get the flavor and color from it. same way for the dumplings, also make wrappers using yam. Hope this helps.
Mr_Vittles February 23, 2012
1) Since your using Japanese potatoes, maybe try a Japanese preparation? ( But I think your biscuit idea sounds great. Maybe some lavender flowers as a garnish? 2) Smitten Kitchen had a great sweet potato biscuit recipe last Fall.
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