Aluminum Pans
I've noticed that whenever I put my aluminum cake pan and baking sheet in the dishwasher, it gets a chalky, grey residue that comes off on your hands. It concerns me that this isn't safe (I scrub it off by hand before using). Does anyone know what this film is, and why a dishwasher brings it out?
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I get that powder stuff every few months and then clean the machine while empty with the vinegar. Mostly the powder is on the black plastic handles of steak knives and teflon pans. Sometimes it's just over crowding or a large pan blocks the upper arm of the dishwasher---still the vinegar cure is good to do just as a matter of course for a dishwasher.
Now, I'm going to have to look and see if the stuff I'm using is phosphate free.
Note this will also happen if you use certain cleaners on brushed aluminum fixtures - our light fixtures and some window trim were ruined this way - they are completely grey and smudged looking and there is no way to repair it. I believe it is products that contain ammonia, like windex, but I'm not sure. Someone else was cleaning for me for a few months, and I'm not totally sure what was used.
To clean it run it on a short wash cycle empty and add a few cups of white vinegar. That will dissolve most soap residue. Rinse, and repeat, rinse again with out the vinegar.
Basically, I was told to hand wash aluminum items...
Hope this helps.