A question about a recipe: Brussels Sprouts Salad a la M. Wells

I have a question about the ingredient "Pinch piment d'espelette, or to taste" on the recipe "Brussels Sprouts Salad a la M. Wells" from amanda.

What is this ingredient, and is there a widely available substitute?



The S. March 1, 2012
Wanted to add that where I am anyway piment d'esplette is ABSURDLY expensive, so I would definitely sub a Spanish paprika. Not smoked though.
pierino February 29, 2012
Piment d'Esplette is a Basque pepper from the French side of the frontier with Spain. Literally the city of Esplette. I would substitute a good Spanish pimenton aka "paprika" even though that's the Hungarian word; I don't know how these terms get all mixed up. Blame it on Colombus.
Amanda H. February 29, 2012
You can use any ground or flaked chile -- like cayenne, hot paprika, or crushed red pepper flakes (just grind or chop them a little). You just want to add a little spark of heat to the salad.
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