Non-Thanksgiving turkey breast

Bored with my usual proteins so I bought a bone-in, skin-on Kosher turkey breast at Trader Joe's. Now I can't think of anything interesting or non-Thanksgiving-y to do with it. Any ideas?

Kristen W.


wssmom March 4, 2012
BBQ it on the grill with a bourbon glaze ....
Author Comment
How about Tandoori Turkey?
nutcakes March 4, 2012
Yes, slather it with a mix of yogurt, lemon juice and Indian curry spices and roast. I use the same marinade for zucchini, onion, red pepper and mushroom kabobs. It is all good together.
CarlaCooks March 4, 2012
Treat it like a large chicken breast! I really like to season turkey breast with herbes de provence, salt and pepper and roast in the oven. You could also rub butter and tarragon under the skin, brown it on the stove with butter and olive oil, add some poultry stock, then finish cooking in the oven; this will let you make a fantastic gravy. Or if you want to steer as far away from any holiday association, make this turkey pho:
Adrianne C. March 4, 2012
Do you have a meat grinder? You could make sausage.
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