Missing skin

Okay, I raised my own turkeys for thanksgiving and just got home from the processor. I noticed that one of them is missing a good chunk of skin from the breast. It’s likely a mishap from the plucking machine, but essentially the whole breast is uncovered.

Now, there is some neck fat. I was thinking I could improvise and put the neck fat over the exposed meat, but am looking for ideas and feedback.

Michaela Knott
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HalfPint November 17, 2017
You can also cover the breast area with a buttered 'bib'. Take a few layers of cheesecloth and soak in melted butter. Then cover the naked breast area with this bib and roast, basting the bib periodically with the drippings . My mother roasted her turkey this way to keep the breast meat from drying out. It works well. If you stuff the bird, cover the stuffing cavity with aluminum foil, so that the basting does not drip into the stuffing (makes for the stuffing heavy and very greasy).
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