A question about a recipe: Salmon in Sorrel Sauce

I have a question about the ingredient "chervil" on the recipe "Salmon in Sorrel Sauce" from MrsWheelbarrow.
What is Chervil ? Where can I get it..

  • Posted by: kenito
  • March 5, 2012
  • 1 Comment
Salmon in Sorrel Sauce
Recipe question for: Salmon in Sorrel Sauce

1 Comment

sstiavetti March 5, 2012
Chervil is a very "green" herb, which tastes somewhat like parsley mixed with a little tarragon. It's got frond-y leaves, and can be often be found in farmers markets (in season) and in specialty grocery stores that have a well-stocked herb section. If you can't find it, substitute parsley.

Here's a link: http://www.herbcompanion.com/cooking/chervil-fine-herbe-for-kitchen.aspx
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