recipe reviews

I suppose this is really directed towards the food52 staff: I am wondering whether you would ever consider adding a review tab to recipes. This would allow users to see people's reactions to recipes without the clutter of comments, which though complementary often don't reflect recipe testing. When looking to make a recipe, I like to know how more than one person liked it and what their tips are.

  • Posted by: ATG117
  • March 15, 2012


meganvt01 March 16, 2012
I think it would be helpful to get a feel for recipes that have been added to the site, but not entered into a contest, and therefore not a candidate for a community pick.
ATG117 March 15, 2012
I think it would still be nice to have a place, separate from the comments page, where anyone can write a review of any recipe, including but not limited to community picks. This would also allow for multiple reviews and feedback from the recipe creator in response to reviews of their recipes.
pierino March 15, 2012
I think we have most of that already in the form of "community picks" (formerly "editors' picks) which are community tested each theme. I've been a participant in Food52 almost since its inception. Once you are in the finals, and I have been, it becomes like running for high school class president. That said, the number of "saves" is a good and useful indicator. The number of "views" is interesting, and flattering but there are a lot of factors that go into that.
ubs2007 March 15, 2012
Ditto! I'd also like to make a few more related suggestions. How about sorting within categories? For example, "Contest Winners" could be sorted by chicken or ratings. Also sorting saved recipes would be great.

For contest winners, how about including 3rd, 4th and 5th places since you are testing recipes any way.
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