In Need of Asian Recipe Guidance!

It's Saturday night in Jerusalem, which means the grocery stores are closed until tomorrow morning. I have a lovely salmon filet in the fridge. I'm a good Midwestern/ Pennsylvania Dutch cook, and I've achieved some good results with Central and South Asian recipes. Thai, Korean, Chinese -- no experience.
The question: I have both soy and oyster sauce in my fridge, along with sesame oil, rice vinegar and the usual kitchen staples. Suggestions most welcome.



Melusine March 25, 2012
I love this site. Thank you all!
HalfPint March 24, 2012
Make a brown sauce/gravy with: 2TB oyster sauce, 2 tsp soy sauce, 1/4 c water or broth, 1/2 tsp sesame oil, 1/2 tsp black pepper, 1/2 tsp cornstarch, 1/4tsp sugar. Mix together and set aside.

Use this brown sauce in a stir-fry: cube salmon into 1" chunks. Heat 2tsp oil in a non-stick pan. Brown salmon on all sides. Transfer to a bowl and cover to keep warm. Heat up pan with another 2 tsp of oil, saute 1 bell peppers cut into chunks, and 1 med onion cut the same way, 2tsp garlic, & 2tsp minced ginger. Saute for about 2 minutes to soften the onions and peppers. Gentle stir in salmon. Stir up brown sauce mixture and add to salmon/veggies. Simmer for 2-3 minutes, covered. Taste and add more soy sauce or salt, if needed. Serve with rice.

The brown sauce can be used with any other protein and veggie combo. If you don't have the veggies, it can be a quick and basic stir-fry with just the salmon and the sauce.
nutcakes March 24, 2012
I marinate salmon in soy sauce, sherry and sesame oil, with a smear of grated ginger on the top if you have it. Then put a pat of butter on it before roasting it. It's a bit of an east-west twist, but soy and butter go very well together. Simple but good.
pierino March 24, 2012
Yes, I'd skip the oyster sauce too. But you could give it a French twist by cooking en papillote---that would require parchment paper (or at worst aluminum foil). Cut the paper, fold it in half and then cut into a heart shape. Brush the inside of the paper with oil. A little drizzle of sesame oil and soy over portion sized pieces. Sea salt, pepper, maybe a little citrus zest. Seal up the packages beginning at the tapered end. Bake.
Yuuki March 24, 2012
I would avoid the oyster sauce, but only through personal preference. For something simple: you could marinate the filet in the soy sauce and some chopped garlic before either quick frying it or broiling it.

If you have any greens, like spinach or similiar, blanche them quickly in boiling water, dry them, cool them in the freezer/fridge and then mix them together with some soy sauce, rice vinegar and white sesame seeds.

For the sesame oil, why not make some cabbage pancakes, or okonomiyaki (anything pancakes) with whatever is left in your fridge? Just chop some cabbage, if you have it, and whatever veggies or seafood you have into 2cm square pieces, mix together with some egg and flour, and fry it up. Cook these quickly and flip like you would a fried egg--make sure they are thoroughly cooked before trying to flip it, or else it will go everywhere! The best thing about okonomiyaki is that you can put whatever you want into these pancakes. The sesame oil gives them some great flavor too. Traditionally, they are topped with mayonaise and okonomiyaki sauce, but some soy sauce with lime juice in it would be yummy too.
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