Has anyone started their " Container Garden". This is my first year doing it and I'm majorly excited. The last day of frost in my region is April 30th so I don't want to start them too early.



petitbleu March 28, 2012
I'm in East TN (we're already in the mid-70s to low 80s), and I've planted lettuces, radishes, beets, chard, kale, cilantro, spinach, and sweet onions outdoors. For now, stick to cold-hardy plants like radishes, lettuce, beets, kale, etc. If you have a cold snap, cover your containers with a thick layer of straw (this insulates them). For a really great resource that addresses cold-hardy veggies and what temps they can withstand, see: http://www.southernexposure.com/growing-guides/fall-winter-quick-guide.pdf
allans March 28, 2012
Lettuce in containers can be started now. Move indoors at night if it drops below 45. Anything frost tender should be started 4 to 6 weeks before your "frost free" date for your area. Don't do them too soon or they get leggy and don't transplant well. For example, here in Chicago, I start tomatoes/peppers around tax time, April 15th. Any sooner and they get too big (our frost free date is May 15)
Jenn A. March 28, 2012
How do you start a container garden? I would love to do this
bigpan March 27, 2012
We don't do everything in containers, but I do recommend planting lettuces in hanging baskets ... Easy to pick, no worry of slugs etc, and looks nice. Plantation different times so you don't harvest all at the same time.
angiegeyser March 27, 2012
I live in Wisconsin (zone 5) and planted spinach, chard, salad greens, carrots, and peas on 3-18. We have frost until mid-May so I won't be able to plant tomatoes, peppers, cukes, etc outside until then, but I'll be starting my seeds indoors at the start of April.
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