from @scotthoynoski: #askmelissaclark what is your favorite way to make scrambled eggs? I do mine a few different ways.

  • Posted by: @food52
  • March 29, 2012


nutcakes March 29, 2012
For 2 eggs, I like to add a splash of water, maybe 1/2 Tbsp with the salt and pepper. I feel that it makes fluffier eggs thant a splash of milk. If I'm having scrambled eggs with something in it, it has to be spinach for me. Such a great combination. Generous pinch of parmesan cheese works with this as well.
Author Comment
Butter definatley, and when i have it, I love cooking them in a little duck fat! With some truffle salt too! When you Whisk the eggs together before you put them in the pan, season them then in the bowl , with salt and pepper and I like to use a splash of half and half for a little creaminess!
Melissa C. March 29, 2012
I use a nonstick pan and lots of butter - about 1/2 TBS per egg melt butter, add eggs and over low heat I scramble with a heat proof rubber spatula. garnish with lots of black pepper and fresh herbs!
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