Coconut macaroons: condensed milk or not?

A lot of recipes I see for coconut macaroons (for passover, not french macarons) use egg whites, but some of them also call for sweetened condensed milk. Do people have a preference? what is the main difference between recipes with the milk and without? (I am not concerned about kosher issues here, just deliciousness)

  • Posted by: jedi
  • April 3, 2012


HalfPint April 4, 2012
I made probably the best coconut macaroons once using a recipe that had just 2 ingredients: unsweetened coconut flakes and sweetened condensed milk. I got raves from everyone including the son of a baker who said that they were even better than his mom's. I think it was because they weren't so sweet like some coconut macaroons tend to be. This is pretty close to the recipe that I remember:
Foodelf April 3, 2012
I wouldn't let that stop me making them ... this recipe is fantastic. You could easily use the sweetened coconut (check the notes). Not only did they nearly cause a stampede at my office, they're fun to make!
jedi April 3, 2012
I did! But, I only have sweetened coconut flakes at this point...
amysarah April 3, 2012
In the comments for Alice Medrich's recipe, someone asks about using sweetened coconut - how to adjust the sugar. Kristen replied: 'Actually, you use the same amount. Alice Medrich says "trust me" about this, in the headnote in her book -- I did when I tested that version, and it worked out well!'
Maedl April 3, 2012
I will be interested to see what people have to say on this question. Did you see the recipe posted on Food52? It's at
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