How to prepare Cannellini beans as side dish to leg of lamb with rosemary mint and garlic

gege 1
  • Posted by: gege 1
  • April 7, 2012


SKK April 7, 2012
I have great luck cooking these beans without overnight soaking. Simply cover with water so at least an inch is on top of the beans, bring them to a boil on the stove and boil for 3 - 4 minutes. Then take off burner and let soak for 60 minutes. Drain, rinse cook for 60 minutes when they are now soft enough to add salt, and cook until tender. Takes about 90 minutes, depending on the freshness of the beans.

Then do what Pierino says.
pierino April 7, 2012
Are you using canned beans or dried beans (which have to be soaked overnight)? Either way you will want to peel and lightly saute the garlic--whole cloves,slightly smacked, in olive oil, strip the rosemary stems and combine with cooked beans for maybe 20 minutes over simmering heat. Noto bene some beans can take longer to cook.
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