I'm looking to cook some cut up lamb shoulder. Want a more Mediterranean/herb forward preparation instead of a curry. Recipe ideas?

I was thinking marinading in olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic, rosemary, thyme overnight, then roasting in baking dish. Should I add lemon juice? first time cooking lamb! Any suggestions would be great!

Matt Sloan


Molly F. February 28, 2015
I would brown it....
Matt S. February 28, 2015
Guys these all sound so delicious. Thanks for all the ideas! The only other thing I'm wondering now is how I should cook it exactly. I've read some recipes saying you should brown it in cast iron then deglaze with white wine. Some say just put the lamb in a baking dish covered and cook away. Thoughts?
LeBec F. February 28, 2015
Definitelybrown it. Gives a good flavorful caramelized edge to the meat.
LeBec F. February 28, 2015
Lots of good feedback here. Your marinade is near perfect, but suggest you add dijon, lemon juice and/or red wine vinegar or red wine; you want some punch in that vinaigrette. I would also suggest marjoram over rosemary, mostly because i think rosemary is so overused on lamb!
HEY! What a second, Matt: read this:

I was actually thinking leg of lamb when i wrote my advice, but Shoulder has its own needed treatment. The SF Gate article is succinct and terrific.
Nancy February 28, 2015
Or lamb roast with haggis seasonings, served with potatoes, turnips, scotch. Only a month late or 11 months early for Burns Day.
Nancy February 28, 2015
Lamb with onions by Rowley Leigh in Financial Times.
Molly F. February 27, 2015
Google Food and Wine fez lamb....did it last week , divine! The carrots with honey and ginger
Ginger was terrific with it.....
Stephanie February 27, 2015
I would throw a little bit of Dijon mustard in the mix and maybe mint. I definitely think you're on the right track here! I would lemon zest instead of juice, since juice can be a very noticeable flavor and the zest will give you a nice touch of citrus.

Also, if it's already cut/cubed, why not skewer them on rosemary sprigs instead of just adding the chopped herb...the flavor will be a bit more subtle but it makes a lovely presentation.
Alexandra H. February 27, 2015
In Croatia (where my family is from) we serve a dish called Lamb Peka. The Peka is traditionally covered and cooked in coal (very traditional and rustic), but of course you can cook this in the oven. You can add a mixed herb bundle (rosemary, thyme, bay) if you prefer more herbs? This is simple but really delicious!
Check out this recipe - http://www.sbs.com.au/food/recipes/lamb-peka
amysarah February 27, 2015
Many things. Usually during the summer, so there's more choice of veg's - but roasted potatoes are always good (you can squeeze some lemon over them, along with olive oil, garlic, etc.) Maybe some warm flatbread, a salad with black olives, feta, red onion, cuke and tomato is classic. Ratatouille is also perfect with lamb this way...
amysarah February 27, 2015
Your marinade sounds perfect. Pretty much what I use all summer for lamb on the grill. And yes - add lemon!
Matt S. February 27, 2015
Thanks! What kind of sides do you usually prepare with it?
irina February 27, 2015
moroccan style. Dates, ras al hanout etc.
Nancy February 28, 2015
See similar ideas (for leg, but could be adapted to shoulder) Daniel Boulud lamb Cleopatra in WSJ.
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