A question about a recipe: Smoky Pickled Asparagus

I have a question about the ingredient "smoked paprika" on the recipe "Smoky Pickled Asparagus" from notlazy.rustic..

I've never pickled asparagus before and am wondering if I left the smoked paprika out, how that would change the pickling process. I'm not a huge fan of smoked paprika and am only looking for a basic pickled asparagus recipe.

The Fiery Epicurean
  • 1 Comment
Smoky Pickled Asparagus
Recipe question for: Smoky Pickled Asparagus

1 Comment

hardlikearmour April 15, 2012
Omitting the paprika will not change the pickling process. It's only there for a little smokey flavor. You may want to incorporate some pickling spice or mustard seeds instead, or you could just go with the recipe sans the paprika.
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