A recipe calls for "golden balsamic vinegar" can I use " white " instead... No store carries it around here.



Reiney April 16, 2012
Substitute a good quality white _wine_ vinegar. (Not white vinegar - which should only be used for cleaning windows and poaching eggs).

Depending on the recipe you could consider apple cider vinegar or rice vinegar.

I disagree about subbing balsamic, as the colour may affect the outcome. Most balsamic vinegars (white or not) aren't worth the food colouring and corn syrup they're made with - to get a good one you need to spend $$$ and go to a specialty store.
ChefOno April 15, 2012

I *think* white balsamic is the same as golden. Golden balsamic is made from the same grapes as the traditional version but with a slightly different process and it's not aged nearly as long, both factors give it a lighter color and lighter flavor.

susan G. April 15, 2012
I have something called "Italian Golden Balsamic Style Vinegar" which I picked up on impulse without reading the label. It turned out to be decolorized and sweetened grape juice and red wine vinegar, from Italy! Hardly balsamic, and the only gold is the profit of the sneaky producer and importer. Yes, there is white balsamic, and of course traditional red balsamic, but it could be that "golden" is nothing but fools-gold-food! So yes, use something real.
You might want to check this information on White Balsamic -- http://www.vigo-alessi.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=19&Itemid=25
From reading this, I am not sure that White Balsamic Vinegar is made by the same process as the original Balsamic, which is actually made starting with white grapes.
Carl W. April 15, 2012
If I were going to make a substitution, I would not recommend white vinegar. Go for traditional balsamic vinegar. I have no idea of what "Golden Balsamic" tastes like, but I guarantee it doesn't taste like white vinegar. You can find balsamic in any supermarket. Better still, go to any gourmet shop to find an array of vinegar. If you are going to take your cooking to the next level, you have to properly equip your kitchen. You also want to get familiar with Penzey Spices which are available online. The supermarket spices won't cut it in terms of potency.

Chef Carl - http://www.youtube.com/user/MancaveMunchies

Voted the Best Reply!

ChefOno April 15, 2012

If by "white" you're referring to white vinegar as opposed to white balsamic, technically, yes you can substitute it but I wouldn't. I'd choose another recipe. I say this because balsamics bring aromatics and sweetness to the party and white vinegar's only contribution is acidity. The resulting dressing would likely be out of balance and certainly not what the writer intended. You might be able to approximate the taste by mixing regular balsamic and white (or white wine) vinegars. Alternatively, you could try substituting sherry vinegar and adjusting the sweetness level with sugar to taste.
hardlikearmour April 15, 2012
I think so.
hardlikearmour April 15, 2012
I am assuming you mean white balsamic.
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