Udon Noodles with Broccolini, Spicy Tofu & Cashews

What is the weight of a bunch of broccolini iin case I want to substitute? How many radishes in a bunch - I buy mine loose? Are radishes sliced thinly or thickly? What's the size of your handful in ounces? What is the size of a packet of Udon noodles dry and cooked in ounces - mine are cooked aleady?



SKK April 21, 2012
You can purchase udon noodles dry. I just purchased them at my local market in the bulk section.
Reiney April 21, 2012
Reading the recipe, I think it's one of those you can safely add quantities as desired/on hand and to taste. Slice the radishes as you like - if you want more delicate, go thin and if you want more crunch, thick. Add them and the desired amount of broccolini to your tasting. To my mind, the only aspect of the recipe that would seem reasonably cut and dried would be the ratios of sauce ingredients.

Not an expert on Japanese ingredients but I've never seen udon dry - I believe it only comes as you have it, which is pre-cooked and something you just refresh in hot water before using.
Merrill S. April 21, 2012
In my experience, a bunch of broccolini is usually about 1/2 a pound. Not sure about the radishes or the udon -- sorry!
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