Best way to cook bone in ribeye

a Whole Foods Market Customer


babytiger April 24, 2012
It depends on the thickness. A nice thick rib eye, I either sear both side and then into an oven to finish, or cook it slowly on the stove with butter to develop a great crust on each side. I would general stop cooking at about 115 and then let it rest 10 minutes or so to medium/medium rare.
ChefOno April 24, 2012

Assuming we're talking steaks, over coals for me too. There's something primal about wood smoke and beef. All it really needs is salt and pepper but sometimes I'll mince some shallot and let it sweat on top of the meat as it's resting.

Greenstuff April 23, 2012
My basic method(s) would be the same as Shuna or pierino--pan fry or grill. I often coat the steak with soy sauce or soy sauce+Dijon mustard before cooking, depending on whether I worry that the mustard will just burn. Then, it depends on the thickness and temperature of the meat, but my rule of thumb is 5 minutes on the first side, 3 minutes on the other, one more flip if it's not done, and then the 5-10 minute rest that Shuna mentions.

Like pierino, I like bones in my meat, and ribeye (or porterhouse) are delicious. But lately, I've more often applied the same technique to the boneless cut called onglet in French and hanger steak in English. Pretty tasty.
pierino April 23, 2012
I love bone in cuts of meat. But my own method would be to grill outside using real wood coals banked up to one side so that the heat is somewhat indirect. Of course, New York apartment dwellers don't always have that option.
Shuna L. April 23, 2012
Funny, I just bought the very same kind of steak at Whole Foods too!

I make sure dinner is almost completely ready & table is set and then I cook steak.
First I take meat out of wrapping and put on plate for an hour before cooking it to take chill off.
Then I get a sturdy pan {cast iron or stainless steel} nice and hot, sprinkle kosher salt and freshly ground pepper over all sides of steak, sear "fat side first" until shriveled, brown & crunchy and then lower heat and sear on both sides. I like steak mid-rare, so I cook it until just this side of rare-mid rare and rest it for 5-10 minutes before cutting into it. Remember the meat closest to the bone will always be more rare than the edges.
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