A question about a recipe: Monkey (Ginger)Bread

I have a question about step 8 on the recipe "Monkey (Ginger)Bread" from arielleclementine. It says:

"Cover the bundt pan with plastic wrap, place in a warm spot, and allow to rise for 1 more hour. (Or you could be a gambler and refrigerate the dough overnight, and then let it come to room temperature in the morning just before baking for breakfast). The balls should be puffy and about an inch below the top of the pan."

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Monkey (Ginger)Bread
Recipe question for: Monkey (Ginger)Bread

1 Comment

Nozlee S. April 25, 2012
You definitely could! In fact, that sounds great. I would just make sure that you pack the balls snugly into the small containers.
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