How long can you keep Hollandaise Sauce?

I made a double batch of Hollandaise Thursday, and now it's Sunday. Can I use the left-over tonight? How long does Hollandaise keep?

  • Posted by: Louisa
  • April 29, 2012


Louisa April 30, 2012
Good information, Chef Ono and Slow Cooked. I should have said that the recipe I used is a "mock hollandaise," an acceptable, durable and quick hollandaise. I do appreciate the more delectable classic sauce--Chef Ono, would you share your recipe?

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ChefOno April 30, 2012

You bring up an excellent point, Slow Cooked. My answer above was incomplete at best, arguably incorrect.

Many years ago I was taught "the" way to make Hollandaise which it turns out, like many cooking "truths", not the best method. The classic method can create a hazardous situation and thus the extremely short life (today we'd say 2 hours max. then toss). Ditto for blender methods.

I've been bringing the yolks up to 160F for so long I forgot not everyone does things the safe way. In the U.S., there's a 1 in 20,000 chance that an egg is contaminated with pathogenic bacteria. Not a large risk but there's really no reason not to make a safe Hollandaise. By whisking the acid with the yolks before heating, they won't curdle before pasteurization is achieved. The finished sauce can be held at 160 for as long as necessary.

Slow C. April 30, 2012
I was taught that hollandaise sauce was only safe to serve within 3 hours of making it, then it must be thrown out. I guess this was always the magic of a true hollandaise, a fleeting, brief challenge that was worth the effort every time.
ChefOno April 29, 2012

Three days? Not an issue.

Louisa April 29, 2012
Thanks. I do use the whole egg in my recipe, and I reheat in the microwave, and I've never had a problem with separation...I'm mostly worried about if it's safe to eat?
meulenbeld April 29, 2012
You could still use it, but when you heat it up, it will seperate. Next time you could mix your leftover hollandaise with some beaten egg white. It will last 3 to 4 days and you could use it cold.
Khan J. October 28, 2017
Please don't
Hollandaise sauce contains eggs and if eggs isn't store properly it will attract salmonella and u might get food poisoning
Ricky79 August 27, 2019
So is it ok to make the sauce in the morning and serving it for the day while keeping it in the fridge?
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