What is a good quick steak rub?

Just looking for something I can use from my spice rack for tonights dinner.

Thanks in advance!

Death by Toast


ChefJune May 15, 2012
I wouldn't say "Kingsford is for sissies," but it does have objectionable (and toxic) chemicals connected to it which I don't want in my food or my lungs. I also dont use gasoline as a fire starter!
Mark P. May 27, 2015
i use only grape wood in my smoker grill. i use cooking oil and papper to start the fire. Smoked meat comes out Awesome.
em-i-lis May 14, 2012
Ground coriander and white pepper plus mint, salt and pepper is lovely!!!!
pierino May 14, 2012
Sounds like we're all in the same choir here. I may add a little cayenne or pimenton but that's about it. Where I live the classic (Santa Maria style) would be just those ingredients. But just as important to flavor is the quality of wood you grill over. Kingsford is for sissies. Gas is preferable to briquettes but it doesn't add any flavor.
ChefOno May 15, 2012

Oh yeah? Well, well…. Your mother wears army boots!

I switched from lump to briquettes after sparks burned numerous holes in our redwood deck and through more than one good shirt.

Briquettes are far less expensive, more consistent and controllable, have a longer burn time and are more versatile -- all it takes is a handful of wood chips of the species of your choice to match whatever you're cooking. Kiawe (mesquite), hickory, apple, red oak…

Gas??? Please, let's not go there. We don't need a flame war.
ReneePussman May 14, 2012
Salt and pepper. A good steak needs nothing more than that and maybe a bit of butter after its cooked. Keep it simple.
sexyLAMBCHOPx May 14, 2012
I love Montreal Steak Seasoning.
Benny May 14, 2012
my wife loves that stuff. I personally cant stand it ;)
babytiger May 14, 2012
Usually do salt and pepper. Carne asada seasoning is also good.
Sam1148 May 14, 2012
Well, it's too late..unless your in the very far west timezone.

Salt..that's all..But there's a trick to that for a steak. Put on the salt. Simple enough..

But at 10 mins, the salt is drawing moisture out of the steak. That's the window for surface salt on a steak.
After 10 mins, the salt has drawn out moisture and just sits there on the surface and you wipe it off to grill and you lose all the moisture and seasoning of the salt.

put on the salt..wait 40 mins. At that time the salt does something 'magical'..it extracts moisture from the steak..combines with the salt and then starts to retreat back into the meat. The salt carries the seasoned juices of the raw steak back into the beef. This only happens after at the 40 min mark or so.

Just don't use a mariande or other high liguid stuff for good beef. The salt...wait 40 mins. is perfect.
I think this site did a bit about that..but 'serious eats'. website did a objective test...
Okay..here it is..they say 50 mins..and I've gone that far and even over night.

I've done the overnight thing..with just salt..and the steak was wonderful..and surprisingly dry on the outside as all the salt went back into the meat so it seared perfectly. No surface salting was needed after that. But don't get heavy with the salt..just a light dust of kosher salt is all that's needed for steak. Just wait..for it do it's seasoning.

Tarragon May 15, 2012
Never knew that, always salted steak after cooking. Will have to try the 40-minute wait.
ChefOno May 14, 2012

Along the same lines: Kosher salt, black pepper, a tiny bit of garlic powder (because it doesn't burn over high heat), and onion powder. If done right, the seasoning stays in the background and the beef is the star player.

Voted the Best Reply!

Benny May 14, 2012
You are going to want to slap me, But my answer is salt and pepper.

I like the taste of steak, and you will never see me mask it with a powerful rub or marinade. Occasionally, a sauce when it's pan seared.
Sam1148 May 14, 2012
Same here...but for pan seared. Take the steak out and put in some green pickled peppercorns, a touch of deglazing liquid (sherry, vermouth, etc) and cream and reduce; and finish with some stone ground mustard.. And frankly, it's dang good. with a pan sauce. A good pan sauce on a pan fried steak is great, and shouldn't be overlooked by armchair purists that only think steak should be grilled minimalist stuff. (and a great back up plan when it's raining and you don't want to grill).
ChefJune May 14, 2012
My answer is salt and pepper, also. If pan searing, I usually deglaze the pan with leftover wine and add a knob of butter to make a nifty sauce.
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