Scrapple anyone?

Does anyone have a homemade scrapple recipe? I've never even tried it before but my husband's mother used to make it for him when he was younger so I want to make it correctly.

  • Posted by: Michee
  • May 17, 2012


petitbleu May 18, 2012
There's also a scrapple (very similar to goetta, which is made with oats) recipe in the Joy of Cooking, and it's a good basic recipe.
Maedl May 18, 2012
Antonia, your scrapple sounds heavenly! I can buy scrapple (Rapa scrapple, I think is the brand) at grocery stores in the DC area, but for some reason it never tastes as good as what I eat in Philly. Your spice and herb combination sounds great.

Maedl May 18, 2012
There's a diner-style restaurant in the Reading Terminal Market that serves scrapple for breakfast. But it isn't hard to find in Philadelphia--just about any place that serves bacon-and-eggs breakfasts will have it on the menu--just don't try a fussy restaurant! While you are there, be sure to go to the Italian section of Philadelphia. No scrapple, but lots of good shops selling foods. And look for Fante's, too--it's a kitchenware shop that puts Williams-Sonoma to shame.
Michee May 19, 2012
Thank you!
AntoniaJames May 18, 2012
I actually posted a question about where to buy scrapple back in the early "Foodpickle" days and someone said that some Whole Foods Markets sell the "Welshire" (??) brand, frozen. Of course, i went directly to the one in Oakland and the guy behind the butcher counter looked at me as if I were an alien from another planet . . . he did not even know what scrapple was! ;o)
pierino May 18, 2012
I love scrapple but it is a Pennsylvania thing. Once in a rare while I find it frozen at a supermarket.
AntoniaJames May 18, 2012
I make my own recipe using the basic formula found in the late-1970's edition of "Stocking Up." If you send me a message via the messaging system here, and give me your email address, I'll send you a PDF of the pages from that book, for your personal use of course. (It's copyrighted.) When I make scrapple, I use the meat from neck bones, which is very tasty; it makes a good broth as well. However, I don't use as much broth as the recipe calls for. I use my own blend of herbs and spices, to make it taste similar to the scrapple I ate as a child. I grew up in Northern Virginia, where you could buy scrapple in the grocery store. My mother's mother was born and lived her whole life in Philadelphia, which is why I think we loved it in our household. None of our friends cared for it. In my scrapple, I use a lot of freshly picked marjoram, a touch of sage, a bit of thyme, all just picked, plus a big handful of chopped parsley, along with nutmeg, mace, a tiny pinch of cloves, and black pepper. It's delicious. I wrap up 4 ounce blocks of it for the freezer; to eat, I slice it thinly and fry in a little butter to eat with scrambled or fried eggs . . . truly one of life's little pleasures. ;o)
Michee May 19, 2012
Thank you so much! How do I send a message through this site do I can give you my email address?
Maedl May 17, 2012
I can get my fix when I go to Philadelphia or central Pennsylvania, so I am not likely to make scrapple, but this looks like a reasonably good recipe:
The format isn't the best, but it is good enough to try.

My Mom made scrapple when I was growing up and we couldn't get it from the butcher, but we all agreed that the Philadelphia scrapple was better. I don't think Mom ever dredged hers in flour, as this recipe suggests. And we always had a bottle of ketchup and of syrup on the table--we came from a split family. Dad liked ketchup on scrapple and Mom and I liked the syrup.
Michee May 17, 2012
Thank you so much! I will try this recipe! I went to Philly but didn't get to try it while I was there. I'm going again in September. Do you have a recommendation as to where I should go for Scrapple?
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