Warning to guy cooks!
Don't ever let your girl friend, wife, significant other, get into your kitchen. The first thing they want to do is re-organize it. "But it would be so much prettier if it was over here." So you reach for something that was always by your right hand and it's magically gone into some new place in girl land. This just happened to me so the wound is fresh. I'm warning you dudes, they hide stuff from you.
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It's your space, so why don't you try explaining why something goes where it does. Especially knives in the water is very dangerous!
I also have to state the obvious, Pierino: not all women are alike. As cooking and kitchen work has been a primarily feminine occupation for some time now, many of us know our way around a kitchen and don't need everything to be "pretty." Great rant though. Hope you can work it out.
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One of the problems with wives is that, for some silly reason, they seem to believe they share rights to the kitchen. I solved most of my problems by declaring running and unloading the dishwasher to be my job. That way most things make it back to where they belong.
It's amazing how easily women will relinquish dishwashing duty on a permanent basis. Sometimes I think I could have negotiated a better deal, but other times I wonder if she didn't spend the first month of married life deliberately putting things away in random drawers just to get more work out of me.
Next time I reorganize my spice rack, I'm abandoning my usual system.
Next time, I will not group the little jars into peppers, salts, baking spices, warm spices and leafy green herbs.
Next time, I'll sort my dried herbs and spices this way:
miracle cures
brings prosperity and good fortune
used for embalming pharoahs in ancient Egypt
Ready to try it?
I guess the 'bad spices' could be put with the 'nightshade vegetables'...
Seriously, I can't think of anything more dangerous than a knife in the sink. A knife has only three places: In your hand, on the board or in the block
If I can't find something in it's preferred place, she is right there to tell me where she hid it. She'll ask, "What can I do now?" And I'll say "Well, you could clear the sink." The next time I turn around the sink is clear. That's priceless.
Also she is in charge when we do sweet, and I'm only the boss of savory.
I don't have a gas range and pull out a portable gas burner to use it tho.
Nope, it's not just females---I think every one has their own stories about things like that.