i need a really good recipe(s) for gluten-free, dairy-free bread.....my girlfriend is french and used to exceptional breads...unfortunately she can no longer tolerate gluten or dairy products, yet still wants to start out each day with tasty toast....we've purchased some frozen breads and found a couple that are ok...however, the good ones are ridiculously expensive....maybe somebody out there can lead me in the right direction to make my sweety happy in the mornings...please and thank-you...

  • Posted by: chefshoe
  • November 18, 2010


chefshoe November 19, 2010
thanks for the advice
susan G. November 19, 2010
With some experience in both scratch baking and mix baking of gluten free loaves, I can say that any way you do it is expensive, and unless you are planning to bake in volume and have access to wholesale sources, go with the mixes. It's trail and error to find what you like, but some of them are good and easy to make.
The level of availability and sophistication of gluten free cooking and baking has risen dramatically in the last few years. Search for gluten free blogs, for lots of good recipes and comments from people with enough experience for good give and take. And books of course!
betteirene November 19, 2010
Make sure you read all the comments.

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