Heavy Cream in ice cream

I am making ice cream and just realized i don't have any heavy cream, but I do have whipping cream; will that work?



Reiney June 22, 2012
Agree with above advice that it'll be fine. But if you want to compensate for the richness, you could chuck in another egg yolk.
Ophelia June 22, 2012
It'll be fine.
Cream marked "Whipping Cream" tends to have stabilizers added, and sometimes "Heavy Cream" doesn't, but I'm not sure there are any rules about how these are labeled (rather than guidelines)
Rachel S. June 22, 2012
I believe that the main differences between whipping cream and heavy cream lie in fat content (heavy cream has more) and potential additives (sometimes present in whipping cream). If I were making ice cream for company or something special, I'd book it to the store for some heavy cream just to ensure a creamy texture and mouthfeel in the final product. But, if you're up for a little experimentation, it could be interesting to see how the recipe turns out with whipping cream. Good luck!
chefsusie June 22, 2012
Heavy cream and heavy whipping cream are essentially the same thing: cream that contains 36 percent or more milk fat. Whipping cream is a bit lighter, with only 30 percent milk fat.

Heavy cream will whip better and hold it's shape longer than whipping cream. Therefore, it is recommended more for piping, pastry fillings, and toppings. Whipping cream will still whip well, but it is likely to lose it's loft and become liquid again more quickly.
Source: Cooking Light

I haven't noticed a difference when I make ice cream. Good luck!!
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