Thanks for a wonderful time with 4 awesome food52ers!

drbabs, sadassa_ulna, Kitchenbutterfly, Justpicked, you ladies made my day. &and thank you Food52 for being indirectly responsible for it!



wssmom June 29, 2012
So so sooooooo sad I had to miss it but equally delighted y'all had fun!!!
It looks like you guys had a fantastic day! I hope I can make it next time!
Sadassa_Ulna June 28, 2012
Kitchen Butterfly and Panfusine both have serious cameras - at the Eataly meet-up KB and Pan engaged in a friendly duel of the lenses. (That's when the rest of us put away our wimpy cell phone cameras.) Check out both of their blogs: and
Sadassa_Ulna June 24, 2012
This was my first time meeting fellow [ lady ] food52ers face to face, thanks to Panfusine for organizing and Kitchen Butterfly for flying across the Atlantic. It was really wonderful to share a delicious meal with the four of you and get to know you. Grazie!
Kitchen B. June 24, 2012
It was a very special and delicious lunch, Eataly is o. The way. We could upload a few here.....except the option to do so is greyed out on the wonderful iPad, which is currently my only option. Thanks ladies, it was wonderful
SKK June 24, 2012
I am jealous! Yes, we all want to see the photos!
BoulderGalinTokyo June 25, 2012
Yes, we all do!
creamtea June 24, 2012
Is there a way for us all to see the pix? Sorry to have missed this!
drbabs June 24, 2012
It was a blast, Panfusine. Thanks so much for organizing. Can't wait to see the pictures! Xo
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