I'm Confused! Avocado Community Picks Overdue?

What am I missing? The explanation of the new contest deadlines and schedule says the CPs are announced the Wed after the Tues night , 8 dys previous, that the contest entries were due. But nada for Avocado CPs, and today is Thurs night! What up?! Thx for the help.

LeBec Fin


hardlikearmour June 29, 2012
The newest contest is announced on Monday or Tuesday now. The entries are due the following Tuesday. The Editors announce the CP candidates that Friday. The community has until Weds the following week to test. The Editors do some final testing and announce the new finalists plus the final CPs including some photoed ones on the following Thursday. The Winner is announced the following Weds. So from the announcement of a contest it takes about 4 weeks to have a winner. Since contests are announced every 2 weeks there will be overlapping at different stages. Avocado is currently in the hands of final testing by the Editors and the finalists should be announced on the 5th. Mint is currently in the entry stage and CP candidates should be announced on the 6th, the finalists and CPs should be announced on 19th, and the winner declared on the 25th. The next contest should be announced on the 9th or 10th, and so on...
wssmom June 29, 2012
I remain confused. It's been hit or miss for me for months ....
inpatskitchen June 29, 2012
The avocado CP candidates were announced the Friday after the contest close instead of the day after as the schedule suggests. I imagine the 2 finalists will be announced next Thursday. And if all goes according to plan, the Mint CP candidates should be announced this coming Wednesday although it is a holiday, so maybe Thursday or Friday.
Panfusine June 29, 2012
The schedules will eventually iron themselves out.. I guess A lot of us are still in that weekly contest mode.. It had such a predictable frequency, a regularity that became ingrained.
meganvt01 June 29, 2012
The Avocado CP candidates are here : http://www.food52.com/blog/3770_community_picks_avocados or you can search "avocado" in search bar with the drop down selection of "features" rather than the default "recipes".

Heres my understanding at this point - based on the above link - CP testing notes were due to F52 editors by Weds night at 5pm. Then the finalists and the CPs will be announced next Thursday - July 5th - and we'll have a week to vote then.

Since the mint contest ends next Tuesday July 3rd - then Mint CP candidates should be announced the next day - Weds July 4th and we will have until the following Weds July 11th to test.

So far - all my predictions on the new schedule have been wrong - so take this with a grain of salt :))
boulangere June 29, 2012
It would really help if, when the contest is announced, the editors would list its timeline. If you're correct, meganvt, it looks as though the avocado and mint contests will overlap, which doesn't make a lot of sense.
ChefJune June 29, 2012
I just went looking for the Avocado CP's and found....... nothing! not on Feed52. so where???
sdebrango June 29, 2012
I become very confused with the new system but as I understand it the finalists will be announced next week Thursday and the community picks either Thursday or Friday. Is that right?
boulangere June 29, 2012
I think it's the mint CP candidates that will be announced at the end of next week.
meganvt01 June 29, 2012
It was a little confusing because they only appeared in the news feed rather than being placed on the Contests page - so you have to get to it by clicking the link above or searching "features." I think once the new contest schedule gets settled - the CP's will be back on the contest page. The meat as a flavoring CP announcement was taking the avocado CP candidate announcement's spot on the contests page.
boulangere June 29, 2012
I'm still confused. The above feed doesn't mention when finalists or CP winners will be announced.
boulangere June 29, 2012
I'm confused, too. I thought they should have been announced by now, too.
BoulderGalinTokyo June 29, 2012
Look it up here


about 6 days back in FEED52.
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