Liquid Diet Ideas?

The daughter of a friend of mine had major jaw surgery last week. She will be limited to a liquid diet for at least three weeks. I would like to supply a soup that is savory and has some protein content. To date, she has had Gazpacho, chilled beet soup, vichyssoise, shrimp bisque, and rosemary white bean soup. Other suggestions? Grazie

  • Posted by: Lorenza
  • July 23, 2012


Bevi July 23, 2012
There are lots of great smoothie recipes on this site:
drbabs July 23, 2012
And don't forget milkshakes and melted ice cream or sorbet! All the best.
thebunalsorises July 23, 2012

This cookbook has outstanding soup recipes. My favorite is the Tamarind.
Pecan-Ann July 23, 2012
don't dispair!!! blenderize pizza and add some tomato juice to it and voila!
you can do this with any food. I have a displaced jaw thru TMJ and often have Lock down where I can't move my jaw. I can't chew at all. Anything from Grilled chicken to pasta, just blenderize and add either broth, tomato juice, milk, fruit juices work great with fruits...

you don't have to suffer the NO TASTE to anything.... just liquidize anything
Nozlee S. July 23, 2012
When I had double jaw surgery 6 years ago, I loved thinned-out mushy peas as well as just-plain chicken broth. Pureed black bean soup is a winner, as well. (I still remember my two sisters "feeding" me soup with a large plastic syringe.)

After I'd been cleared for non-liquid food, I found very, very tender beans and vegetables -- so tender they cooked be mushed with just my tongue -- to be a good "starter" food after all the liquids.

I wish your friend's daughter a speedy recovery -- I know exactly what she is going though and it isn't easy!
HalfPint July 23, 2012
Andrea Nguyen's Silken Tofu and Edamame soup:
meganvt01 July 23, 2012
I had my wisdom teeth out a few months ago and Reeve's Roasted Carrot Soup and Paul Bertolli's Genious Cauliflower soup (both from this site) made my meals something to look forward to rather than dread.
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