Piment d'Espelette Uses

I just purchased a small jar of Piment d'Espelette. So far, I have dusted shrimp prior to a quick saute and I know about piperade. Any other suggestions on use?

Tony S
  • Posted by: Tony S
  • July 31, 2012


pierino August 1, 2012
Any savory Basque dish. E.g.poulet basqais. Good in paella too.
Kristen W. August 1, 2012
I've added it into pureed pepper sauce for braising chicken thighs to very yummy effect.
Greenstuff July 31, 2012
You're off to a good start. I generally use it as a finishing sprinkle on fish, chicken, meat, eggs, anything. It can be a great component for a dry rub. Some people add it to chocolate--hot chocolate, mousse, or ice cream.
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