I have jars of Stonewall Kitchen's Bourbon Molasses Mustard and Blue Cheese Herb Mustards in my cabinets, and I would like to use one in an an appetizer for Thanksgiving. Any ideas?

  • Posted by: sunnyluz
  • November 20, 2010


innoabrd November 21, 2010
The bourbon molasses sounds like a good dipping sauce for something. Wonder how it'd work as the base for a glaze for chicken wings?
pierino November 20, 2010
A pork or duck terrine or pate would be good with either. Some small cornichon pickles on the side. Probably you can buy those pre-made.
nutcakes November 20, 2010
Humm, my reply didn't make it. I went to Stonewall Kitchen's site and they have about 6 or 8 recipes for each product

blue cheese mustard, cheese ball, mussels, asparagus
bourbon mustard - crabcakes, crostini

I can't think of appetisers that use mustart offhand. Maybe the sweet one on crackers or toast with smoked salmon?
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