The garden runneth over with peppers and tomatoes.

The garden is full of peppers, like 12 different kinds, bell peppers, jalapeno, poblano, anaheim, also 2 I can't identify. There are little purple ones the size of my pinky nail that are extremely hot, I have not tasted the others which are pictured here. I would love ideas for canning/freezing/drying/preserving so they don't go to waste. Same thing goes for the tomatoes, does anyone have a recipe for oven roasting and packing in oil? And if so how long do they last that way?

Summer of Eggplant
Question image


sfmiller August 19, 2012
Piperade, a Basque sauce/stew of peppers, onions, and tomatoes with herbs and piment d’Espelette (or substitute paprika) uses a lot of sweet peppers (and a few hot ones, if you like) and tomatoes. It's handy to have around for an omelette filling, a quick sauce for chicken or fish, or a condiment for pasta or polenta. And it freezes very well. I just made a big batch yesterday.

Here's Julia Child's recipe (happy belated Bday, JC). It calls for ham, but you can omit that if you wish.

Pepper relishes and vinegar-based hot sauces are fun to play around with and can-able, too.

Sam1148 August 18, 2012
Take the peppers and a needle and strong thread and go through the steams to make garlands. Hang them up and let them dry.
They also look rather nice hanging from the ceiling in the kitchen.
Around Christmas time, you can wave those into wicker Christmas wreaths to give as gifts.
Summer O. August 18, 2012
Thanks everyone. Bevi - If I could pack these up and send them to you I would. There are SO many.
mainecook61 August 18, 2012
It couldn't be easier. Spread cut up tomatoes in a big roasting pan. It should be one layer, more or less. Add salt and pepper, some olive oil, basil, perhaps garlic or an onion. Put it in a 250 oven and walk away (or go to sleep). Hours later, the whole thing will have cooked down; there should not be much liquid. Put it through a food mill. Freeze it. Now you have sauce for winter.
pierino August 18, 2012
With roasted peppers I'd be more tempted to pickle them in white vinegar than to pack them in oil. In fact I've been doing that myself lately. This would be a Mexican style escabeche. Radish would be good in the mix. I'm intending to include okra in the next round.
vvvanessa August 18, 2012
mypantryshelf posted this on her blog, which inspired me to do something similar:
Bevi August 17, 2012
I prefer to freeze my oven roasted tomatoes. All it takes is bagging up the tomatoes after they are cooled from roasting. i envy you all your hot peppers. Hot pepper jelly or jam would be my choice for using up your bounty. There is a recipe on this site.
Bevi August 17, 2012
Bevi August 17, 2012
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