recipe submission??

Surely this has already been discussed, but I submitted my ice cream recipe this evening and gone is the 'Submit to Current Contest' button. What am I doing wrong? Admittedly I've had 2 glasses of wine

Summer of Eggplant


Amanda H. August 21, 2012
So glad you found the button. We're in the test kitchen today and we all had a good laugh about your note and the wine -- been there!
Summer O. August 21, 2012
I take that back apparently I am a blind idiot.
Summer O. August 21, 2012
That seems to be the problem, there is not a button for that, just a 'publish button'. The layout is different too.
hardlikearmour August 21, 2012
If you go to the recipe, and hit the edit button, you should find the submit button near the bottom of the page.
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