How long a pecan pie last?

I have a friend overseas who misses a pecan pie a lot. I wonder I bake and ship it. Do you think it is bad idea?



mayuchico August 24, 2012
Thank you all for the answer. I start wondering if it would be wise to ship a pie after reading the threads. I will think about making mix for her. Thank you again.
Reiney August 22, 2012
Sam's suggestion is a good one - if it's not going to certain countries. My sister once sent me a box of Kraft mac & cheese, which Aussie customs opened, removed the cheese packet, and send the package along its way leaving just the crappy macaroni noodles. (Leaving aside for a moment that that packet is as far away from real cheese as possible)

So if the country doesn't allow nuts in, the mix could still be confiscated.

Where is your friend that she can't make her own? Or is she not a baker?
Chef L. August 22, 2012
I'd second Sam. Crust would get soggy & pie would weep. Also look at Elizabeth Falkner's pecan pie milkshake! Yum!
mayuchico August 24, 2012
Pecan pie milkshake? wow!
Sam1148 August 21, 2012
William Sonoma has a 'pecan pie in a jar'..filling mix.
Being a sealed jarred product that might make it through customs for shipping.
Of course they'd have to assemble it with a crust of their own making or a store bought crust which should be available in most countries.
mayuchico August 24, 2012
I went to their site to check, but they don't carry it anymore! But I really liked the idea of sending some mix to her. Thanks!
mayuchico August 24, 2012
I went to their site to check, but they don't carry it anymore! But I really liked the idea of sending some mix to her. Thanks!
Reiney August 21, 2012
Where would it be travelling? Nuts are something that many customs officials don't look kindly upon (especially in places like Australia / New Zealand), so you risk having the baked good confiscated at the port of entry regardless of its edible condition.

Other than that, if you shipped it 2-3 day express it would probably be fine...but that's one very expensive pie.
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