I am making a pumpkin pecan pie with a chocolate drizzle on top for Thanksgiving at my in-laws'. I would like the two pie "layers" to be distincitive from eachother rather than pumpkin pie with pecans on top. Should I bake the pumpkin pie filling for 10-15 minutes before pouring the pecan pie filling on top & putting it back in the oven to finish baking? Do you think the chocolate drizzle is too much? Thank you for the input!

  • Posted by: JGoodwin
  • November 23, 2010


JGoodwin November 23, 2010
I am Frankensteining two recipes I found on Southernfood.com (I know; I should have tried the recipe before bringing it to the in-laws'...). But I have made the following, which is decadent as it is delicious...Thanks again for input!

Chocolate Pecan Pie
Makes 1 deep dish 9” pie (I’ve also used 2 shallow pie crusts).
• Pie crust (see above)
• 2 squares unsweetened baking chocolate
• 4 large eggs
• 4 tbsp. butter
• 1 ¼ cups dark corn syrup (You can cut back to 1 cup to make things easier; leave other measurements same. This way you have 1 cup leftover for another pie!).
• 1 cup sugar
• 1 tsp. vanilla
• Optional: 2 tbsp. dark rum or Khalua or Tia Maria or ¼ tsp rum extract (I’ve also used 1 tblsp. bourbon).
• 2 cups pecans, approx. 7oz. (Some people crush them up, I like to leave some nuts intact so you can see the actual nut).
Heat the oven to 350?F. Have pie crust ready (I normally place pie shell pan on a baking sheet to facilitate transfer during baking).
Melt butter & chocolate together over boiling H20 or in microwave. Not too long in the microwave, be careful not to burn.
Beat eggs, then beat in sugar & corn syrup. Add vanilla, optional liquor, & melted chocolate/butter mixture. Blend well. Stir in pecans.
Pour into pie crust. Bake 40-50 minutes until an inserted toothpick or knife comes out clean. Do not over-bake; top feels soft to the touch & middle wiggles slightly when pan is moved. Pie will firm up as it cools.
Notes: Serve w/ whipped cream or chantilly or ice cream. Pie may be served warm or room temperature; some like it chilled. Pie may be frozen & thawed for serving. Keeps well for several days w/o refrigeration.
Food O. November 23, 2010
ditto on the recipe please
Valser November 23, 2010
That does sound amazing! do you have a recipe?
JessieLK November 23, 2010
I did something similar last year, but cheesecake/pecan, and the cheesecake was baked before just enough to firm up for the pecan to sit on top, based on that I would with this. This sounds fantastic!
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