What can I do with lots of fresh-grown chives?

Chip Vogel


QueenSashy September 2, 2012
Chive omlet.
cec75 September 2, 2012
Chive pesto, chive oil, chive purée and freeze
Lost_in_NYC September 2, 2012
Mix with goat cheese (and other herbs) to use as a spread or as a filling.
cookbookchick September 1, 2012
Chives freeze well, too.
louisez September 1, 2012
You could dry them if you have a dehydrator.
Wonderful for biscuits made with cheddar and chives, which freeze well.
ChefOno September 1, 2012

Soup, soup, soup. This time of year, include them in fresh corn chowder (and garnish with them too). Chives are especially heavenly in leek soup and of course they go well in potato soup (not to mention on baked potatoes).

MTMitchell September 1, 2012
Compound butter. Scrambled eggs and chives (my staple breakfast as a kid).
sexyLAMBCHOPx September 1, 2012
Chive frittata, savory chive biscuits, pesto, chive potato pancakes... Perhaps replacing scallions with the chives for this, http://www.food52.com/recipes/12352_okonomiyaki
Sam1148 September 1, 2012
A chive butter milk dressing is pretty good.

If they chives are planted outside they're pretty hardy and survive well in frost and cold weather (to a point depending on where you live)..when it's rcold outside chives are one of the last things to go---I'd leave them because it's really nice to have some green herbage in the winter and late fall.
You can even cut them back and if they're in pots tie a clear laundry bag around them--leaving the little hold in the top so you can water them....it makes a 'green house' for them on very cold days.
AmeliaJ September 1, 2012
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