Where is my contest recipe?

Does it take time for a recipe that was submitted to the contest to appear? I thought I submitted Seafood Gumbo, but cannot find it in the contest entries

  • Posted by: Jann
  • September 23, 2012


Jann September 26, 2012
And thanks for taking the time to answer so promptly. You all do a spendid job at making food52 work and I will submit again.
Jann September 26, 2012
Oh.......... Okay. Got it. It said current contest... Dang.
hardlikearmour September 26, 2012
It's definitely confusing and not worded well IMO.
Jann September 26, 2012
Thank you anyway. I don't understand why it cannot be submitted because as you stated, it was confusing. But I did click both. I think it was just Mozilla to be honest.
hardlikearmour September 26, 2012
I use Firefox all the time, and have no troubles. You definitely have to change it from the default to the other setting. If it says "submit to the current contest" then it's not going to work. It has to say "submit to the particular contest."
hardlikearmour September 26, 2012
When the contest is open and you are submitting a recipe there is an area near the end if the page, just above the "i promise this is an original recipe" box that is default set to "submit recipe to current contest." It's confusing because it seems like it would automatically submit the recipe to the current contest, but it needs to be change to "submit to shellfish (or whatever it is) contest" for it to actually be submitted. It would be clearer to have "do NOT submit to contest" or "submit to whatever contest" as the choices.
Jann September 26, 2012
I did check both boxes. And there was only ONE contest going on so it would automatically have been shellfish....
Jann September 26, 2012
My recipe is still not in the contest and the contest has closed. How did this happen??????
Amanda H. September 23, 2012
Recipes take a while to show up on the contest page, but if you click on your profile page, the recipe should be there, or if you search for the recipe in the search box on the upper right of any page, it should also appear in the results. Let me know, though, if either of these options don't help you locate the recipe.
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