local eggs

I was in the Trader Joes in Philadelphia, where they had a sign by one shelf of eggs which read "local" and listed a town (the name of which I forgot), PA. I asked the folks up front whether these "local" eggs were farm raised because there was no indication of that, cage free, or organic on the sign. My worry was that they were produced in a "local" factory. The price seemed too low otherwise. The answer I got was that they don't know exactly where they are from, just that they are from this place indicated on the sigh. Thoughts?

  • Posted by: ATG117
  • September 26, 2012


ATG117 September 26, 2012
Well, yes, I would def stay miles away from the PB at the moment. As far as the eggs go, it was indeed a manager I spoke too, and no one seemed like they wanted to find out more info. I assumed this meant they knew the eggs were not in fact local in the way they hoped one would interpret the sign. But if I call management, I will be sure to let you know what I find.
pierino September 26, 2012
And just to add more fossil fuel on the fire: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2LBICPEK6w&feature=relmfu

Welcome to Portlandia!
ChefOno September 27, 2012
Andandandandandandandandandand two thumbs up!
ChefOno September 26, 2012

Free range, cage free, organic, and now local are all marketing terms. Chances are if the eggs qualified for any of those designations, they'd be listed. It's a wonder they don't tout "No HFCS" on the box.

pierino September 26, 2012
ATG's question is one that you will encounter all the time at Raider Joe's. Nobody knows anything! Period! I was going to buy some lump charcoal from them awhile back but nobody, including the manager, could tell me what kind of wood it was and it's not labeled on the bag.

And hey, stay away from their peanut buttere.
lloreen September 26, 2012
I don't know but ask the manager to find out for you. One of the nice things about TJ is that they offer decent benefits so the employees are motivated and helpful, at least in my local store.
Kristen M. September 26, 2012
I always wonder this myself. Might be worth a call to management -- then let us know what you find out! This article is pretty helpful in defining hazy egg terms too: http://magblog.audubon.org/are-your-organic-eggs-factory-farm
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