What is pasta made of? How do you make it?

a Whole Foods Market Customer


Linn October 23, 2012
My favorite recipe comes freon La Cucina Italiana. Use 100 grams flour for each egg.
boulangere October 7, 2012
I make hand-shaped pastas with nothing more than AP flour, water, and a little salt.
pierino October 6, 2012
And as an FYI pasta is not always made with SEMOLINA flour. Most of the time in Italy they will use 00 but it's fine to use good old all purpose flour. Just don't break your well (like Emeril) when you are working the egg into the flour.
Diana B. October 6, 2012
Another great article on making pasta: http://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/food/what-took-me-so-long-to-make-fresh-pasta/2012/09/25/9614253e-02a2-11e2-91e7-2962c74e7738_story_1.html
Kenzi W. October 6, 2012
Making your own pasta at home is easy, fun and really cost effective! Here's a great recipe with a tutorial: http://food52.com/recipes/14055_raspberry_and_honey_cranachan. Remember, when you knead, be sure to do it until the dough is really smooth and a little elastic. In his French Laundry Cookbook, Thomas Keller writes that when you think you've kneaded enough, knead for a few more minutes until it passes the bounce test: when pulled, a small piece of dough should easily bounce back into the larger ball of dough.

You'll need a pasta roller (unless you have a nona that taught you otherwise), but after that, it's easy going. The recipe above covers mixing, kneading, rolling, and cooking. Best of luck!
Author Comment
BTW, most pasta is made with SEMOLINA flour, which is made from a very hard variety of wheat, called durum.

Here is an example recipe for you: http://www.food.com/recipe/fresh-semolina-and-egg-pasta-35605
Author Comment
Pasta is made of flour, water, and usually eggs and/or oil. The ingredients are mixed together to make a smooth dough, then rolled out very thinly.
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